1 下载和安装
我用的是Ubutnu,所以,下载的是源码: 下载
% ./configure % make% sudo make install2 测试和体验 在源码包中有example,可以执行./exec.sh体验一下 #训练和测试脚本template #模板文件 #测试文件 #训练文件可以打开看看 3 语料整理和模板编写 我采用的是6Tag和6Template的方式S,单个词;B,词首;E,词尾;M1/M2/M,词中 1个字的词:和 S2个字的词(注意是实际上是一个字一行,我为了排版,改为横排的了):中 B 国 E3个字的词:进 B 一 M 步 E5个字的词:发 B 展 M1 中 M2 国 M 家 E跟多字的词中 B 华 M1 人 M2 民 M 共 M 和 M国 E标点符号作为单词(S表示)从 项目中下载:people-daily.txt.gzpepoledata.py文件- #!/usr/bin/<a href="" class='replace_word' title="undefined" target='_blank' style='color:#df3434; font-weight:bold;'>Python</a>
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- #home_dir = "D:/source/NLP/people_daily//"
- home_dir = "/home/lhb/workspace/CRF_data/"
- def splitWord(words):
- uni = words.decode('utf-8')
- li = list()
- for u in uni:
- li.append(u.encode('utf-8'))
- return li
- #4 tag
- #S/B/E/M
- def get4Tag(li):
- length = len(li)
- #print length
- if length == 1:
- return ['S']
- elif length == 2:
- return ['B','E']
- elif length > 2:
- li = list()
- li.append('B')
- for i in range(0,length-2):
- li.append('M')
- li.append('E')
- return li
- #6 tag
- #S/B/E/M/M1/M2
- def get6Tag(li):
- length = len(li)
- #print length
- if length == 1:
- return ['S']
- elif length == 2:
- return ['B','E']
- elif length == 3:
- return ['B','M','E']
- elif length == 4:
- return ['B','M1','M','E']
- elif length == 5:
- return ['B','M1','M2','M','E']
- elif length > 5:
- li = list()
- li.append('B')
- li.append('M1')
- li.append('M2')
- for i in range(0,length-4):
- li.append('M')
- li.append('E')
- return li
- def saveDataFile(trainobj,testobj,isTest,word,handle,tag):
- if isTest:
- saveTrainFile(testobj,word,handle,tag)
- else:
- saveTrainFile(trainobj,word,handle,tag)
- def saveTrainFile(fiobj,word,handle,tag):
- if len(word) > 0:
- wordli = splitWord(word)
- if tag == '4':
- tagli = get4Tag(wordli)
- if tag == '6':
- tagli = get6Tag(wordli)
- for i in range(0,len(wordli)):
- w = wordli[i]
- h = handle
- t = tagli[i]
- fiobj.write(w + '/t' + h + '/t' + t + '/n')
- else:
- #print 'New line'
- fiobj.write('/n')
- #B,M,M1,M2,M3,E,S
- def convertTag(tag):
- fiobj = open( home_dir + 'people-daily.txt','r')
- trainobj = open( home_dir + tag + '','w' )
- testobj = open( home_dir + tag + '','w')
- arr = fiobj.readlines()
- i = 0
- for a in arr:
- i += 1
- a = a.strip('/r/n/t ')
- words = a.split(' ')
- test = False
- if i % 10 == 0:
- test = True
- for word in words:
- word = word.strip('/t ')
- if len(word) > 0:
- i1 = word.find('[')
- if i1 >= 0:
- word = word[i1+1:]
- i2 = word.find(']')
- if i2 > 0:
- word = word[:i2]
- word_hand = word.split('/')
- w,h = word_hand
- #print w,h
- if h == 'nr': #ren min
- #print 'NR',w
- if w.find('·') >= 0:
- tmpArr = w.split('·')
- for tmp in tmpArr:
- saveDataFile(trainobj,testobj,test,tmp,h,tag)
- continue
- if h != 'm':
- saveDataFile(trainobj,testobj,test,w,h,tag)
- if h == 'w':
- saveDataFile(trainobj,testobj,test,"","",tag) #split
- trainobj.flush()
- testobj.flush()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print 'tag[6,4] convert raw data to and'
- else:
- tag = sys.argv[1]
- convertTag(tag)
下载下来并解压,然后用脚本整理数据,注意home_dir改为语料的目录:python ./ 690%数据作为训练数据,10%的数据作为测试数据,生成的文件如:6.test.data6.train.data模板文件的写法如下template:
- # Unigram
- U00:%x[-1,0]
- U01:%x[0,0]
- U02:%x[1,0]
- U03:%x[-1,0]/%x[0,0]
- U04:%x[0,0]/%x[1,0]
- U05:%x[-1,0]/%x[1,0]
- # Bigram
- B
%x[row,column]代表的是行和列,[-1,0]表示前1个字的第1列,[0,0]当前字的第1列,[1,0]后1个字的第1列4 执行和结果查看 6exec.sh文件
- #!/bin/sh
- ./crf_learn -f 3 -c 4.0 template 6.model > 6.train.rst
- ./crf_test -m 6.model > 6.test.rst
- ./ 6.test.rst
- #./crf_learn -a MIRA -f 3 template model
- #./crf_test -m model
- #rm -f model
WordCount from test result: 109805WordCount from golden data: 109948WordCount of correct segs : 106145P = 0.966668, R = 0.965411, F-score = 0.966039 5 调整Tag和模板4 Tag S/B/M/E 比 6Tag 去掉了M1和M2python ./ 44exec.sh文件为
- #!/bin/sh
- ./crf_learn -f 3 -c 4.0 template 4.model > 4.train.rst
- ./crf_test -m 4.model > 4.test.rst
- ./ 4.test.rst
4Tag的效果为lhb@localhost:~/workspace/CRF_data$ ./ 4.test.rst ordCount from test result: 109844WordCount from golden data: 109948WordCount of correct segs : 105985P = 0.964868, R = 0.963956, F-score = 0.964412
6Tag 训练时间为10062.00s4tag的训练时间为4208.71s6Tag的标注方法差异1)把M放在E之前:发 B 展 M1 中 M2 国 M 家 E2)把M放在B后发 B 展 M 中 M1 国 M2 家 E3)把M放在M1和M2之间:发 B 展 M1 中 M 国 M2 家 E第1种方式效果最好,有细微的差距。template的编写我尝试过12行模板的编写,把词性作为一个计算因素,但是速度实在是很慢,没跑完,我就关机了。效果应该比6 template要好,可以尝试以下。- # Unigram
- U00:%x[-1,1]
- U01:%x[0,1]
- U02:%x[1,1]
- U03:%x[-1,1]/%x[0,1]
- U04:%x[0,1]/%x[1,1]
- U05:%x[-1,1]/%x[1,1]
- U06:%x[-1,0]
- U07:%x[0,0]
- U08:%x[1,0]
- U09:%x[-1,0]/%x[0,0]
- U010:%x[0,0]/%x[1,0]
- U011:%x[-1,0]/%x[1,0]
- # Bigram
- B
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- if __name__=="__main__":
- try:
- file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
- except:
- print "result file is not specified, or open failed!"
- sys.exit()
- wc_of_test = 0
- wc_of_gold = 0
- wc_of_correct = 0
- flag = True
- for l in file:
- if l=='/n': continue
- _, _, g, r = l.strip().split()
- if r != g:
- flag = False
- if r in ('E', 'S'):
- wc_of_test += 1
- if flag:
- wc_of_correct +=1
- flag = True
- if g in ('E', 'S'):
- wc_of_gold += 1
- print "WordCount from test result:", wc_of_test
- print "WordCount from golden data:", wc_of_gold
- print "WordCount of correct segs :", wc_of_correct
- #查全率
- P = wc_of_correct/float(wc_of_test)
- #查准率,召回率
- R = wc_of_correct/float(wc_of_gold)
- print "P = %f, R = %f, F-score = %f" % (P, R, (2*P*R)/(P+R))